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English Language Proficiency EASA


Only Euro 164 all inclusive!


It is online!


4 Simple Steps!

The ICAO/EASA language proficiency exam comprises four parts, three of which are handled in one online session on your own, at any time you choose.

Part 1:

10 to 15 aviation related questions e.g. “Please talk about your last flight in as much detail as possible”. Questions are pre-recorded and can be played by clicking on the play button. If you had troubles understanding the interviewer, you can play the question a second time. Try to answer the questions comprehensively, a simple “Yes” or “No” doesn’t generate enough content for us to grade your test.

Part 2:

This deals with picture /  image descriptions. You will be presented a total of eight aviation pictures and you will have to describe them. The more you say, the happier the assessors are - talk, talk, talk!

Part 3:

In this part we simulate an ATC scenario. You fly from airport A to airport B and on the way you deal with different tasks like answering radio calls. If you are an air traffic controller, you will deal with respective ATCO tasks.

Final Part:

Now you will be able to schedule an online video interview with one of our examiners. Simply pick a time that's convenient for you in the calendar that appears at the end of the electronic test. This interview will normally only take 5 to 10 minutes. No worries, no external software needed, as the virtual interview room is incorporated in the software.

Interested? Contact the Academy today to start your ELP journey: